Current Date:March 28, 2025

Summer Revision Programme

Summer Revision Programme 2024

Give your child the edge this summer by booking them onto our Eleven Plus Intensive Revision Course for the 2024 exams. Our teaching methods and resources help pupils prepare for the the most challenging selective schools in the UK such as the Tiffin and Sutton tests, both QE Boys’ and Henrietta Barnett, the CSSE tests and the new GL Assessment exams for the Slough Consortium, amongst others.
The revision course is designed to go beyond the KS2 curriculum, build speed and accuracy, consolidate knowledge, develop examination techniques and encourage independent critical thinking skills. We also believe it is essential that we build self-confidence and motivate our pupils which, in our experience, results in strong academic performance in the actual examinations. During the intensive revision sessions, our tutors help consolidate key topics within the general 11 + subject areas ie. Maths, English Comprehension / Literacy Skills, creative story writing, VR and NVR. The techniques and concepts are specific to the final tests and allow students to fine tune their learning, giving them the edge a few weeks prior to their big day!

Summer course outline

For convenience, parents have a couple of options to consider when enrolling for our summer intensive programme

Classroom lessons:

Our face to face course will run for two weeks (Mon-Friday, from 10am to 3pm) in the Summer break. This year, Week 1 runs from Monday 7th August to Friday 11th August 2023. Pupils will have a short break and join us again for Week 2 which runs from Monday 21st August until Friday August 25th. Pupils will also receive a summer holiday homework pack in which they will be given a schedule to follow with learning materials, work sheets and past papers to work on at home during the break between week 1 and week 2.
As the course runs from 10am to 3pm daily during the dates above, pupils are expected to bring a packed lunch. Some light snacks for breaks are permitted (although we request you to avoid anything that contains nuts)

Online lessons

Our online lessons also run for two weeks (Sat-Wed, from 10am to 3pm) in the Summer holidays. Week 1 runs from Saturday 12th August to Wednesday 16th August 2023. Pupils will have a short break and join us again for Week 2 which runs from August 26th until August 30th. All work sheets and learning materials will come to you via the post a few days before we commence. Pupils will also receive a summer holiday homework pack in which they will be given a schedule to follow with learning materials and past papers to work on at home during the break between week 1 and week 2.

Booking Form